Mobile Apps Development

Creation of high-impact, results-oriented and user-centric applications to elevate your brand and generate return on your business.


We Think Mobile First

We ship rich experiences to the small screens, which translates into the success of your business, ease of operations and the engagement of consumers with our deep understanding of the user experience and mobile technology. We work with multiple ecosystems to create the maximum impact on your end users.

iOS Apps Development

Working with the ecosystem, having the biggest fan following and one of the largest user base – we embrace the idea of focus and simplicity well. We’ll help you develop apps for the entire iOS platform including iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV, by deep integration of the seamless experiences that sit closely with the platform.

  • iPhone App Development
  • iPad App Development
  • Apple Watch Development
  • Apple TV Apps
  • iOS App with SiriKit
  • iOS app with MLkit
  • iOS app with MLKit
  • Testing de apps iOS

Android App Development

We are a leading Android app development company offering bespoke Android mobile app solutions for global brands, enterprises and startups. Covering the entire spectrum on the android platform, we can help you craft niche Android apps for Smartphones, Tablets, Android Wear and Android TV. Hire Android app developers from us having expertise to build custom Android apps that work on all Android devices with the latest Android OS version compatibility.

  • Android Wear Apps
  • Android TV & Android Things Apps
  • Android Auto Apps
  • Chome OS Apps & Apps with Dialogflow
  • Firebase Integration
  • Android apps testing

Cross Platform Apps

Not every solution needs a native approach. Instead of rattling through the selection of technologies, we build a cross-platform app solution that enables you to reach to a wider audience with different operating systems and devices much faster, thanks to our enterprise grade best practices.

Mobile Apps Driven by Cloud

Cloud Consultancy, led by our certified specialists – ensures maximum scalability, performance and concurrency for your Mobile Apps, Web Applications and APIs. Right from the beginning during or discovery phase, we’ll help you shape up the cloud strategy to optimize information delivery across different channels. Our team works closely with leading providers as Amazon, Azure, Rackspace and DigitalOcean to deliver an exceptional performance.
  • Cloud Consulting & Cloud Migration
  • Content Delivery
  • Managed Cloud Services
  • AWS Cloud Services
  • Google Cloud Services
  • DevOps Consultation
  • DevOps as a Service

Hybrid App Development

Hybrid applications combine the best of both worlds, web and native applications. Going Hybrid reduces the cost of development, provides easy access to device data as well as works offline and scales to a variety of platforms and OS. We combine the power of Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3 to develop Hybrid applications with the latest frameworks such as PhoneGap, Appcelerator.
  • Migration to Hybrid Frameworks
  • Support & Maintenance
  • Independent Testing
  • PhoneGap Apps
  • Xamarin Apps
  • Responsive Web Apps
  • Hybrid Apps Consulting

Progressive Web App (PWA)

Progressive web applications built by us ensure seamless performance, identical to that of native mobile application. With an aim to maximize user engagement, Pibeca Solutions creates web apps that run faster across all platforms with minimum effort. We integrate unique features such as offline browsing, push notification, data analysis and easy distribution channels into web apps.
  • Custom PWA Development
  • Progressive Web App Design
  • Load Balancing Service
  • Expert PWA Consultation
  • Application Shell Architecture

We add Intelligence to your Apps

Refer a few use cases on how we use AI & ML technologies to empower your app to streamline operations and improve user experience.


Recommendation Engine

It uses the user’s history to suggest similar products or services. Just like the suggestions while shopping from Amazon or watching Netflix.


Sorted, Tagged & Categorized Photos

Image categorization simplifies the search process. It’s like searching a restaurant and getting the menu, food, ambience, etc. in results.


Predicted Health Monitoring

ML based apps can help doctors to treat patients in advance and save lives by having hands-on predictions based on their patient data.


Chatbots for Customer Support

Intelligent bots programmed to automate multiple business processes and customer service with instant, precise information.


Gamified Learning & Education

ML-driven statistical model is built using students’ answers which determines their memory cycle and ping them for revisions.


Voice Powered Smart Homes

AI technology has led construction of automated voice homes, whereby functioning is controlled by an app with enhanced security.


A careful UX design and interfaces that do not leave you indifferent.


What our customers
say about us





Finance & Banking


IT & Telecom







We work with leading industries

We have specialists in cutting-edge technologies that combine server-side developments with user interface developments.





Let's talk

Write to us and tell us about your new project.

We’d love to help you design an innovative brand, product or service that will make your company great for years to come.